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Employee Insurance

Give your team the most wanted work perk in New Zealand.

As an employer you can open the door for your staff and their families, change lives and save lives.

All pre-existing conditions covered.
No applications.
No stand-down periods.

Need to attract and retain the best people?

Give them insurance and secure their future with you.

Health Insurance

When provided as a work perk, our health insurance covers all pre-existing health conditions for the team and their family. No application forms are required and claiming is easy via a simple app! Our public health system has never been worse and the delays are causing havoc. Better the lives of your team and their families with the best health insurance in New Zealand. 

Many employers are left to fundraise internally to help staff with treatment, specifically for access to non-pharmac drugs during cancer treatment. 

As an employer we can provide up to $300,000 per annum for staff toward non-pharmac drugs. 

Life Insurance

Human’s kark it, we just don’t know when. Leaving your employee's family with debt or a mortgage is pretty stink. Setting them up for a win with a lump sum cash payment when they are facing the worst time of their life is cool. Be the greatest employer ever and give their family financial freedom!

Trauma Insurance

We all know a co-worker that has fallen sick with a serious illness. 

1 in 3 New Zealander's are diagnosed with Cancer. 

If a gnarly illness such as Cancer, Stroke or Heart Attack occurs, your team will receive a lump sum cash payment to provide instant cash flow relief to reduce debt and take time off work.

Approximately 48 illnesses and events can trigger a trauma claim, this one packs a punch!

Income Protection

When our staff sick leave runs out, as an employer we can either be a legend and cover more costs, or we can save ourselves significant cash by having income protection for the team. 

After around 60 days off work, employees can rely on a monthly income insurance payment. Most of these benefits pay for 2 years if they are really unwell and can't come back sooner.

This provides protection not only for the employee but for you as the employer not paying out more leave or having to fundraise.

Book now for a quick chat!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the best Insurance options for you or your organisation, book a time to meet us. We'd love to have a chat!